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robot-anatomy:temp-body [2018/12/12 20:04]
avnerus created
robot-anatomy:temp-body [2018/12/12 21:03] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
   * E.T joint  - increase tolerance with the laser.   * E.T joint  - increase tolerance with the laser.
   * E.T joint - 1mm collision with the pillars.   * E.T joint - 1mm collision with the pillars.
 +  * Holes for the arms can be bigger/​ellipse to allow some angle so it won't clash with the face (and some soft material would go between the acrylic and the arm).
robot-anatomy/temp-body.1544645096.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/12/12 20:04 by avnerus