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soft-robotics:molds:extending-sausage [2017/12/11 13:49]
avnerus created
soft-robotics:molds:extending-sausage [2018/05/07 17:58] (current)
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 ====== Extending Sausage ====== ====== Extending Sausage ======
 +The extending sausage mold is used as a neck muscle actuator. It has undergone several iterations.
 +===== Iteration 1 =====
 +  * The first iteration was completely 3d-printed.
 +  * As in any fiber reinforced actuator, comprised of three steps:
 +    - Dragon skin chamber with threads for fiber wrapping.
 +    - Ecoflex skin wrapping the fiber.
 +    - Capping the sides and inserting the tube.
 +  * **It went through several modifications,​ but all of them had issues with mold release and bubbles.**
 +  * [[https://​​index.php/​apps/​files/?​dir=/​Soft%20Robotics/​Molds/​Extending%20Fiber%20Reinforced%20(Sausage)&​fileid=761|Model files found here]]
 +===== Iteration 2 =====
 +  * Uses a metal lathe for the air chamber instead of a PLA sausage. ​
 +  * **Inner chamber is easier to release, but top part still hard to release**.
 +  * **Still has issues with bubbles**.
 +  * [[https://​​index.php/​apps/​files/?​dir=/​Soft%20Robotics/​Molds/​sausage-maker-joaquin/​prints-with_draft&​fileid=922|Mold files are here.]]
 +===== Iteration 3 =====
 +  * Uses silicone injection while tilting and a bubble escape path on the highest point.
 +  * Top part (and maybe also bottom) should be printed with the Formlab.
 +  * Has a notch for pulling out the top part.
soft-robotics/molds/extending-sausage.1513000192.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/12/11 13:49 by avnerus