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Physical Failure

Any physical interaction is much more meaningful to our social existence than a virtual one.
The implications of our physics behavior are a viewed by us as a representation of our being.
We see the ultimate manifestation of our social existence as sex, so any failure or success in that becomes crucial.
A virtual encounter, however, is not a representation of our true self, so we care less about the implications of our interactions.

Encountering a physical issue with a self-made robot is more depressing than encountering a bug in a self-made software.
A pop in a silicone muscle due to pressure overload is much more emotional and heartbreaking than a software crash.
The repair process is also emblematic - You cut through the skin to reveal the wounded tissue, you fix the wound by applying a layer of silicone glue and wait for it to cure.
The skin which was once smooth and stretched will never obtain its original form.
A fixed bug however (if done right), renders the software as good as new.
Recompilation - A Reincarnation.

thesis/scratchpad/physical-failure.1526407525.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/15 18:05 by avnerus