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soft-robotics:valves:12v-npt [2018/05/12 09:59]
avnerus created
soft-robotics:valves:12v-npt [2021/04/03 11:53] (current)
Line 15: Line 15:
 ===== PWM functionality ===== ===== PWM functionality =====
 When running the Valve with the [[soft-robotics:​electrical-components:​pololu-713|Pulolo-713]] motor driver, it is possible to open the Valve using an **oscillating PWM current**, and thus achieving a slower release. This is great for Soft Robotics movement because it allows control of the actuator speed both on inflation and deflation. When running the Valve with the [[soft-robotics:​electrical-components:​pololu-713|Pulolo-713]] motor driver, it is possible to open the Valve using an **oscillating PWM current**, and thus achieving a slower release. This is great for Soft Robotics movement because it allows control of the actuator speed both on inflation and deflation.
 +===== Specs =====
 +  * Flow Rate: 0.23Cv (Fluid Flow)  
 +  * Response Time: Less than 50 ms
 +  * Body material: Aluminum
 +  * Operating Pressure:​ 1.2Mpa(can be operated at 0 PSI (Vacuum))
soft-robotics/valves/12v-npt.1526119146.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/05/12 09:59 by avnerus