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General recipe for preparation of soft actuators

The following steps describe our methodology for preparing soft actuators.

1. Choose your mold and figure out required silicone quantities

Refer to the molds page for a list of known molds and quantities. Leave at least 20gr for gluing. Get both body and base layers ready for pouring before you start mixing.

2. Apply coating to the molds

Coating the molds in Vaseline would later help removing the cured silicone from the mold.

3. Prepare any extra strain limiting materials

The base layer requires strain limiting materials. Choose the ones you will use and prepare them for placing over the uncured base silicone.

4. Mix the silicone

Refer to the silicones page to figure out the ratio working time of your silicone. If you don't have a centrifugal mixer, use wooden mixing sticks. Mix thoroughly for 3 minutes. Weak mixing may result in curing failure.

5. Place the mixed silicone cup in the vacuum chamber for 5 minuets

5 minuets should be enough to get rid of initial bubbles.

soft-robotics/general-recipe.1492159641.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/14 08:47 by avnerus